I must be back in L.A.
Two weeks ago I answered a posting on 2-pop or Ani-Jobs forums for a
Modeler/Layout artist. I almost missed it due to the "/". I thought
what the heck and fired off another salvo. By the end of the week I
was in my car and on the road out west for a new position at Crest
Animation in Burbank. Turns out they are doing their first CG
Feature, a cute talking-animals movie about wolves, with the brain
trust in Burbank and the heavy lifting in India. The Layout team
consists of me, a modeler-stager, our three-day-a-week supervisor and
our beleaguered coordinator/director's assistant. They already love
me. The directors seem to want to listen to my opinions and are
actually taking steps to implement them. This should play an
interesting role in my career as the show I worked (almost) single-handedly.
After seven months, Bren is having to reassert her dominance as the
alpha-dog of the pack. This time they are smart, mobile and working
together. V is doing very well in school but having trouble hanging
on to her gear. Bren is attempting to get back into the gym but the
morning schedule fills up quick. It's probably strangest for the
twins. Daddy's gone again. They don't know what a 9-to-5 schedule
is so Daddy coming and going will become norm. Not sure how that
will play out.
Got a return nibble from Grapevine Star talking about some freelance
work for some new projects. Haven't heard back since the reply but
they seem busy with things like moving and lining up talent. Never
heard back from Jason.
This time feels a lot better. I like the smaller outfits. Greater
freedom and less apprehension. And Union to boot. Who cares if this
stuff will never get an Oscar. Cheap Insurance is the name of the
game right now. Long term, they seem to like to hold on to people
who make a difference. We'll see come March.