Saturday, May 12, 2007

Gore Verbinski Loves Pirates

One more hero of mine from Waaay back showed up in SoCal this week. The legendary Berkeley Breathed showed up at Dutton's Bookstore in Brentwood to tour his new book Mars Needs Moms! He reminds me of Jeff Foxworthy. Very nice and gracious. He talked about the new book, of course, and about how he's in development talks with Disney to turn it and Flawed Dogs into movies. Gore Verbinski - Dogs, Robert Zemeckis - Moms. Berkeley got sandbaged by a blogger couple days ago and was quoted saying Verbinski is sick of Pirates. Not True! "Verbinski loves Pirates as much as his own mother" says Berkeley. As to other projects, Red Rider Came Calling was in heavy development stages before it got dropped as well as the Opus pic by the Weinsteins. They got cold feet even after there was a solid story in place. Such is Hollywood and B.B. won't be working for the Weinsteins any time soon.

The real Milo was at the signing as well in the trademark striped PJs from the book. Cute. Hard to see cuz he was wearing an Opus shirt over it. This is the whole Breathed clan.

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