Monday, October 6, 2008

Taste Test: 4 Octoberfest Brews

A new feature since I've naught much else. Any parent will tell you that kids and alcohol go hand in hand. By that I mean sometimes you need something to take the edge off after the rugrats are finally in bed and you've returned your living room to it's default settings.

#1 Dundee Oktoberfest Marzen Lager
This seems to be the reinvention of the J.W. Dundee brand famous for the Honey Brown ale that is most notable for being the cheapest beer on the shelf but also the one with the most flavor. Their Oktoberfest is full of flavor with a spicy finish of cloves and nutmeg. Not exactly a pumpkin flavor, more pumpkin pie spice.

#2 Jack's Pumpkin Spice Ale
The weakest of the bunch. Michelob's attempt to join the seasonal fray. Definitely could smell the spices in the beer but they didn't make it to your mouth. Like Michelob with pumpkin spices spritzed into the keg. I usually am a fan of Amber Bock for the full malty flavor but this was not a fave.

#3 Blue Moon Seasonal Harvest Moon
A welcome addition to the Blue Moon line. I really liked this summer's Honey Moon and this one hits the spot well. I could actually taste caramel in the finish. Should try this with an apple wedge.

#4 America's Original Pumpkin Ale
The tops on the list. This is like drinking Pumpkin juice that's been spiked. Bren and I always catch ourselves a little when we spot this on the shelf. Bren's not one for too much beer but this always lands in the cart. The signal that summer is officially over and the A/C can take a break.

Whee, my first blog review! Still waiting for a Shiner release. Might need to try for singles at Central Market for better comparisons. Most of this was a fuzzy grasping of straws and an emotional outpouring of beer love. Enjoy!

1 comment:

Eric said...

Shiner's new winter seasonal, Holiday Cheer, will be in stores around November 1.